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Missing Teeth and Hidden Risks

Missing Teeth and Hidden Risks

An attractive smile is important for self-confidence. A healthy mouth is important for proper functioning. It is directly related to your overall health.

Generally, tooth loss is caused by tooth decay or trauma. Numerous options are available for tooth problems like dental implants, bridges and dentures, a large number of people go treatment. The Prosthodontist at Best Dental Clinic in Noida estimates that millions of people are missing at least one tooth. If you don’t have taken the right dental treatment, you may lose pairs of the tooth. You may feel embarrassed if you are missing one or more teeth or it’s a molar hidden out of sight of your smile line. One thing more, a large space between your teeth may affect how you speak or eat. Even if it’s noticeable, missing teeth can affect how you chew. Remaining teeth may shift and in some cases. Bone loss can also occur around a missing tooth.

Another major cause of tooth loss is tooth decay. If a cavity is not detected and continues to eat away at the enamel of your tooth it will need to be extracted. Then the tooth will begin to loosen on its own.

Missing teeth can cause dental problems. According to Dr. Shalini Jain, the teeth surrounding the missing tooth are less stable, so they may move into the missing space by shifting forward. Missing teeth can impair the support of the jaw.

The dentist at Child and Dental Clinic Noida can advise you the options which are best for you after considering the state of your teeth, gums, and jawbone, as well as your overall health. It’s important to know whether you have any chronic conditions like diabetes, which can affect healing, as well as all of the drugs you are taking.

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