Kaashvi Medident



Childhood Asthma

Childhood Asthma

Asthma is a serious problem and sometimes very difficult to deal with it. Children have less immunity than adults. Children are at increased risk of colds and many diseases due to changing weather. Asthma symptoms are very close to the cold symptoms. So this can be difficult to recognize asthma.


Children can get this problem by coming in contact with dust, particulates, soil, and pets. Viral or bacterial respiratory infections such as colds, bronchitis, and sinus infections can also be the cause. Foods high in milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, fish and sodium/ potassium bisulfate can also trigger asthma symptoms.

Symptoms of asthma in children 

The symptoms of asthma in children are quite common, which parents do not understand in time, but its consequences can be serious later.

  • Coughing at night
  • Tightness in chest
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Wheezing


  • Change sheets and pillow covers daily.
  • Wash clothes in hot water. 
  • Keep kitchen and bathroom clean.
  • Avoid keeping pets in the house. Keep them out. 
  • Do not let smoke in the house.
  • If the child has a complaint of asthma after eating, then get an allergy test done immediately. 
  • Some medicines can also cause asthma, such medicines should be avoided.
  • Keep an eye on the baby’s lung function.


Especially children have to take special care when they have asthma. According to Dr. Vipin Jain, “asthma can definitely be control by following some important things”.

  • Make sure your child takes medicines regularly as prescribed by the doctor.  Medications help to keep the airways normal. Medicines are used during asthma attacks to give quick relief and avoid an asthma attack. 
  • Talk to your doctor or Best Child Specialist in Noida to understand the difference between cold and asthma. 
  • Do not leave the treatment of asthma incomplete, it may be a problem. 
  • Nebulizers can be used for young children. If your child is older, teach him to use the inhaler.

Dr. Vipin Jain is the Best Pediatrician in Noida at Kaashivi Medident is dedicated to providing top-quality treatment and satisfaction to the children at all times.

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